An inspiring tour of lectures
Rabbi Anava just returned from a three week tour of lectures in the US and inspired the residence of several states. The tour start on January 7th and ended on January 26th. In this tour Rabbi Anava visited Buffalo NY, Chicago IL, Queens, Brooklyn and Long Island NY, New Orleans LA, Dallas TX and Phoenix AZ. Rabbi Anava gave over 23 lectures and classes and 2 large Shabbatons. The results were an unbelievable success and hundreds of people left inspired and uplifted from these events. All the lectures were recorded and can be found on Atzmut.com and also on Rabbi Anava’s Youtube Channel. We recently also started loading all of Rabbi Anava’s lectures in Audio format to SoundCloud and iTunes where you can listen to the audio lecture and also download the MP3 file to your phone or computer.
We want to thank all the kind sponsors of this trip and all the organizers of all events and everyone that took part in helping. May G-d bless you with great health and success in the merit of all your help