Hoshana Rabbah

Hoshana Rabbah 2024

Evening of Tuesday Oct 22nd – Wednesday, Oct 23rd


Important instructions for Hoshana Rabbah

  1. Tuesday night – We stay up ALL night and recite the Tikun. (instructions below)
  2. Give charity – Click here (Before Chag)
  3. Do Teshuvah and repent for your actions in the past and pray from your heart.
  4. At Dawn (Alot Ha’Shachar) men go to the Mikve and dip four (4) times.
  5. Wednesday morning – Pray Shacharit as early as possible (best at Sunrise – Netz) and recite the Hosha’anot.
  6. ONLY out of Israel – Do Euv Tavshilim (To be able to cook on Friday for Shabbat)


Special prayers at the Meron

Rabbi Anava is going to learn all night at Meron (Tuesday night) at the grave site of Rashbi (Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai) AND in the morning after Shacharit will pray at the grave of Rebbe Yehuda Bar Ilai (One of Rabbi Akiva’s main students and the Rebbi of ‘Rebbe’ – Rabbi Yehuda Hanasi)

Rabbi Anava will pray on your behalf before this important day!! Use the link below to submit names and donations!!




$180 donation – Receive one bottle of wine

$360 donation – Receive three bottles of wine

$1000 donation – Receive ten bottles of wine

Get Rabbi Anava’s wine

The secret of Hosha’ana Raba & Simchat Torah

What should you read all night?

There are different opinions and version of what one should read during this HOLY night. Read below for some options. We’ve placed the order by priority (Do what you can!)

  • Before Chatzot (midnight) which is 12:20am – Read the entire book of Devarim (Deuteronomy). If not possible to finish before 12:20am – keep on reading till you finish, all night and even during the day (Wednesday) as long as you finish the entire book
  • If possible the entire book of Tehilim. If not, read as many Tehilim as you can till dawn
  • Some read Zohar. If you have access to the Zohar and can read the Aramaic (even if you don’t understand) read at least 5 pages of Zohar (Edra Zuta).
  • Also Zohar part B page 142/a (ספר הזוהר, חלק ב, דף קמב/א)
  • Also Zohar part A page 220/a (חלק א, דף רכ/א)
  • Some have the custom to read parts of Selichot
  • Some have the custom to recite the 13 attributes of mercy