
The month of Elul


Once a year we get this special opportunity to repent and do Teshuvah during the month of Elul. With that we need to add a lot of actions do our daily spiritual work. Please take the time to watch this video and to learn from Rabbi Anava what needs to be done and then follow the instructions below.

You can find links below to all text of all prayers and daily text to read both in Hebrew and English 

What should be done during Elul?

Pay close attention and follow the instructions!!

  1. Start with a Rosh Chodesh Elul festive meal
  2. Read on Rosh Chodesh chapter 1 of Chaggai the prophet
  3. Read twice a day chapter 27 (כז׳) in Tehilim. Starting Rosh Chodesh Elul till Shimchat Torah (October 23, 2024 – 22nd of Tishrei – כב׳ תשרי)
  4. Read three (3) chapters of Tehilim everyday till Yom Kippur and on Yom Kippur the remaining 36
  5. Read everyday Tikun Haklali
  6. Read everyday one (1) chapter from the book of Mishlei (Proverbs) starting Rosh Chodesh Elul (30th of Av – ל׳ מנחם אב) till Rosh Hashana, including Rosh Hashana
  7. Read personal prayer daily by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
  8. Pray from your heart!

40 Days prayers at Holy sites

From Rosh Chodesh Elul (this Shabbat) till Yom Kippur Rabbi Anava will be visiting everyday a holy site in Israel and pray there. Some of the site will include the Kotel in Yerushalyim, holy graves and holy synagogues.

For a very limited amount of people, you can join to the list of names that Rabbi Anava will be praying for everyday in these holy site. For most of the prayers will be a Minyan of men praying and learning Torah.

The cost for this service is $360 which also includes Tzedaka (Charity) that will be given everyday on your behalf

To join, click the green button

Important videos to watch