A powerful prayer to recite everyday during the month of Elul by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li – I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine – Father in heaven, full of mercy, help me and give me the merit to become closer to You always and especially during the month of Elul. And You with your great mercy will open Your hand of kindness to accept the ones who repent and do Teshuvah and seek closeness to You. So we can continue to rectify all the Tikkunim that are possible by the great powers of Yichudim (Unity) and Kavanot (meditations) of the month of Elul. Father, please help me to be cleansed from the heavens from all of my sins and may I merit to do complete Teshuvah for all of my sins. Father, bless me that I should always find You wherever I seek You, when I am in a high spiritual place or unfortunately also when I spiritually fall to a low place.
Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li – I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine – Amen!