URGENT need of your support!!
Unfortunately the situation in the land of Israel is very bad!! Many have lost their jobs due to the war and continuing attacks on Israel by Hamas from the south and Hezbollah from the north
So what can you do to help?
- Read 6 chapters of Tehilim daily: 30, 33, 67, 19, 100, 133 – You can find the text below in Hebrew and English.
- Learn Torah as much as you can!
- Prevent from talking Lashon Harah and any type of negative speech
- Take upon yourself to say twice a day Kriat Shma, once before going to sleep and once during the day and before you recite the Shma say: ריבונו של עולם, הריני מוחל לכל מי שהכעיס והקניט אותי – “Master of the universe, I hereby forgive anyone who has angered or vexed me” and release all anger and grudge you have towards anyone
- Share this page!!!
- And last but not least – Support financially as much as you can – Give charity!!
Rabbi Anava will be praying daily for Israel and all the people who help support Israel
May Hashem hear and accept all our prayers!