Tour to the USA

Watch video for important instructions!!

Click the date/location text below for info

July 30th – Deal, NJ

July 30th – Deal, NJ

July 31st – Queens, NY

August 1st – Great Neck, NY

August 4th – Los Angeles, CA  – Rosh Chodesh Av

August 6th – 9th – Los Angeles, San Deigo, CA

August 15th – Las Vegas, NV

August 16th – 18th – Phoenix, AZ

August 21st – Houston, TX

August 22nd – Dallas, TX

August 25th – Denver, CO

August 29th – New York

September 3rd – Queens, NY – Rosh Chodesh Elul

September 4th – Miami, FL – Rosh Chodesh Elul


NOTE: This page gets updated everyday. Please return to this page to check for updates. We recommend to follow us on whatsapp for updates, information and notifications +972-53-497-9066


We need A LOT of help to make this tour possible!

Please submit your donation to support this tour and help Rabbi Anava reach thousands of souls!!

Become our partner!!


We need your help!

Please read below and see if you can assist in any possible way

You can contact our tour team via whatsapp 1-347-946-7370 or by email to

  • Sharing the events (The flyers and videos) on your social media and whatsapp groups.
  • Hanging posters in local Shuls, Mikve, Kosher stores and restaurants.
  • Helping at the events.
  • If you have large volume social media accounts, email list and followers, to promote the tour and the events


Not the usual help…

  • Large RV in the west coast Rabbi Anava can rent or use.
  • Large van or pick-up truck in LA to transport boxes of the wine and books
  • A place for Rabbi Anava to stay in LA (4 people) – August 2nd – August 8th
  • A place for Rabbi Anava and his family to stay in LA (9 people) – August 8th – August 14th
  • We need a D.J. in New York, New Jersey, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Miami
  • We need large screens to project on, to rent/use in New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Miami
  • We need a Videographer in New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, Houston, Denver, Miami
  • We need a Sephardic Chazan in Phoenix, Dallas, Miami
  • Help distribute Rabbi Anava’s wine in your city.


And if you think you can help in any other way, please let us know!

Thank you.


Joining forces and helping Rabbi Anava is a HUGE Mitzvah and a Zechut (Merit) to be able to affect so many people positively. You can partner with this Mitzvah of Kiruv!!