Painting Raffle


The paintings offered for this raffle (Click the image to enlarge)


Won at first raffle!

The Ten Sefirot – Tree of Life

Size: 40cm x 50cm

Value: $2800

The three intellectual powers and especially the seven emotional powers comprise the personality of each individual. This is called a tree since man is compared to a ‘tree in the field’.

The lowest soul power is called Malchut/royalty because it rules over all other soul powers.

The trait of Malchut parallels the power of action, deed.

Both the power of action and Malchut have their source in the Essence of the soul. It is therefore the lowest soul power which serves as a base to allow the whole tree to flourish and grow.

It is our deeds that rule and reveal our true nature. 

By continually performing good deeds we allow all the blessings of the tree of life to grow and flourish in all of life’s aspects.



Won at 2nd raffle!

Am Yisrael Chai

Size: 40cm x 50cm

Value: $3500 

The famous phrase ‘Am Yisrael Chai’ is testimony of the fact of the
eternity of the Jewish people. They have survived thousands of
years of bitter exile against all odds and are now standing at the threshold of redemption.
One of the secrets of the Jewish people’s survival is encoded in the
first three letters of the Hebrew Aleph Beit. Aleph stands for Emunah/ faith. 
Beit stands for Bracha/blessing. Gimmel stands for Geulah/redemption.
In other words, integrating faith leads to fulfilled blessings, which in turn, leads to transformative redemption.
These three letters are part of the tree’s 3d design. The phrase ‘Am Yisrael Chai’ represents the Tree of Life in the following manner:
‘Am’ = nation or people represents Malchut/ kingdom because the Jewish people represent the King in His kingdom. ‘Yisrael’ represents Tifferet/ beauty because the Torah has the power to reconcile opposites.
True beauty is the harmony of many colors, aspects, ideas etc. 
The Sages therefore teach that Yisrael is an acronym for ‘yesh shishim rebo otiot L’Torah- there are 600 thousand letters in the Torah’.

The trait of Tifferet/ beauty ‘Yisrael’, (which is the Torah and all Her strength and blessings), is given over to the ‘Am’ /nation (which is Malchut). This is through the righteous teachers who are called ‘life’ & ‘Chai’. This is because they bestow life to their students through their holy teachings. They connect Heaven (Tifferet) to earth (Malchut) through being righteous teachers ‘Chai’.  These righteous teachers represent Yesod/foundation, in the Kabbalah which is called Mashpia (teacher or influencer). This is Am Yisrael Chai, the complete (Tifferet, Yesod, and Malchut) Tree of Life.



Chai: חי  – Tree of Blessings

Size: 40cm x 50cm

Value: $3800

This 3D tree contains many blessings. The main gateway to these blessings is the aspect of ‘Chai’.

The Kabbalah teaches that this is an acronym for ‘yodei Chen’ , the knowers of the secret wisdom. (Literally ‘knowers of grace’. Chen/ grace is itself an acronym for Chochmah Nistarah, hidden wisdom.)

The Chassidut and the Kabbalah teach that Chai is also an acronym for the transcendent aspects of the soul, Chaya (paralleling the power of will) and Yechidah (paralleling the power of pleasure).

In the levels of the Torah this is the sod/secret  and the ‘razin d’razin’ the ‘secrets of the secrets’.

The Ba’al Shem Tov revealed that the Mashiach will come when we reveal the deepest secrets of Chai. This is why the Ba’al Shem Tov’s teacher was called the Master of Chai.



Shema Yisrael – שמע ישראל

Higher and Lower Unity

Size: 50cm x 50cm

Value: $4000

The Zohar explains that Shema Yisrael is the higher unity, Sovev kol Almin (the light that surrounds the worlds-Ohr Makkif). 

Whereas ‘Baruch Shem Kavod’ Is the lower unity, Memale Kol Almin (the light that fills all worlds- Ohr Pnimi). 

This is symbolized in the painting as the Shema Yisrael in the outside surrounding Circle. (Makkif)

Baruch Shem Kevod is therefore in the inside on a pomegranate.  Just as Baruch Shem is the light that fills all worlds which were created in the seven days of creation (six days of work and the seventh to rest), the pomegranate is the last of the seven fruits which are connected to the Holy Land.

The pomegranate is a fruit which is eaten (Pnimi) for pleasure and likewise Baruch Shem represents how a person connects to G-d in a personal internalized way (Pnimi) giving G-d great pleasure in making a dwelling place in the lower world.


Won at 3rd raffle!

The Emotional Powers of the Soul

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Value: $2800

The Holy Zohar teaches that a tree contains 7 aspects:

  1. Roots
  2. Bark
  3. The Inner Pulp of the Trunk
  4. Branches
  5. Leaves
  6. Budding Flowers
  7. Fruits



These seven levels are related to the seven levels of Torah interpretation:

  1. The Pshat/ the literal obvious meaning
  2. Derash/ the expounded homiletic meaning. This is also connected to Remez/ allusions and hints
  3. Chochmah/ wisdom
  4. Gematria/ numerical value of the letter which teach hidden secrets
  5. Pasul veKasher/ laws of invalidation and the fitting
  6. Tamei and Tahor / laws of impurity and Purity
  7. Issur veHeter/ laws of the forbidden and the permissible

These seven aspects also parallel the seven emotional powers of the soul:

  1. Chesed/ Loving Kindness
  2. Gevurah/ Judgement
  3. Tifferet/ Beauty and Harmony
  4. Netzach/ Victory and Eternity
  5. Hod/ Glory and Gratitude
  6. Yesod/ Foundation and Connection
  7. Malchut/ Royalty

The painting is rendered with special glass paints and acrylics.  The pastel design greatly enhances the visual impact.



Malchut: Pomegranate of Prosperity

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Value: $2500

The painting depicts the pomegranate which is one of the special seven fruits connected to
the Holy Land of Israel.
The Sages teach (in the Gemara Brachot) that the
pomegranate is a symbol of physical and spiritual
Malchut/ kingdom and royalty is the seventh spiritual
emotional power of the soul.

It makes sense that it is customary to eat the
pomegranate on the New Year, Rosh HaShana, which
begins in Tishrei, the seventh month. This may be
because the pomegranate is also the last, seventh fruit of
the Sheva HaMinim.

All sevenths are beloved, not necessarily because of their own quality but because they have
inherited their specialness from the previous six. (i.e. It is impossible to reach the number
seven without counting the previous six numbers.)
The red and white background represent the red and white seeds of the pomegranate
symbolic of all judgments (red) becoming sweetened by kindness (white)



I am to My Beloved, and My Beloved is to me –

אני לדודי ודודי לי

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Value: $2400  

This verse is from the ultimate love song from King Solomon, Song of Songs, describing the reciprocal nature of love.

In the Kabbalah, this mirror effect (cause and effect, namely whatever energy one metes out is reflected back. If a person behaves with loving kindnesses and faithfulness, this is what is reflected back to the person, whether it be in love, business, health etc.) is called the ‘Tree of Life’

The verse Ani l’Dodi V’ Dodi Li / ‘I am to My Beloved and My Beloved is to me’ is related to the thirteen attributes of Mercy. This is a love that has no limitations and therefore lasts forever.  

This is because the numerical value for love/ahavah is 13 the same as Echad/one, which we describe as G-d is One/Echad... in other words, the love is beyond limitations and is ‘G-dly’. 



Ohr Min haChoshech – Light from Darkness

אור מן החושך

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Value: $2600 

The advantage of light from darkness is in the fact that the level of light (that is needed to transform the darkness) comes from a very deep hidden place, from the essence of the soul

The two lights of Shabbat represent the Jewish people testifying that G-d is the Creator of the world.

In the laws of testimony, a minimum of two witnesses are needed. Testimony is only necessary for something that is hidden and will not be eventually revealed.

By lighting the two Shabbat candles we reveal a deep light from the essence of our souls. The Chassidut calls this the light of Yechidah which is the ‘Mashiach’ aspect of our souls. This is the aspect of our souls where we become a ‘little Mashiach’ to our surroundings.

This is the  Light from Darkness/ Ohr Min haChoshech.

This is connected to why the Hebrew letters of haShabbat  השבת  spells Teshuva, תשובה return. To return and improve to reveal light from darkness. To transform all negative into positive.



Mashiach Achshav

משיח עכשיו

Size: 40cm x 40cm

Value: $2400 

The phrase means Messiah Now!

This emphasizes training ourselves to live in the moment, with a redemptive frame of mind.  

This means the redemption and Mashiach are practical realities that can be revealed for individuals  immediately and for the entire world immediately versus a theoretical concept of some future time frame.

The Kabbalah teaches that past, present and future are connected to the intellectual powers. The trait of Da’at/ Knowledge is represented by the present now.

This is connected to rectifying one’s knowledge (the Tree of Knowledge) by living in the now, doing good deeds at every possible moment. 

The letters are rendered in ‘Rashi‘ script, the special lettering used in the margins of the Talmud. This symbolizes bringing the concepts of Mashiach to influence even our scholarly ‘Talmudic’ intellect and knowledge. 

It is known that Mashiach will teach even the great scholars (Tzaddikim) to Teshuvah.



Letters of Light

Size: 40cm x 50cm

Value: $2800 

The Chassidut teaches that the soul is ‘full of letters’

Each of the twenty two letters of the Hebrew Aleph Beit represent the spiritual building blocks of creation. They are the spiritual DNA of reality.

Man uses letters to communicate and reveal the hidden thoughts and feelings of the soul. Likewise, the spiritual letters were used to convey the concealed aspects of G-dliness.

When Mashiach comes, he will teach humanity to speak letters of light to ultimately reveal the Luminary, the Essence of G-d.