CD#15 – Be Inspired

CD#15 – Be Inspired


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NOTE: The file format is MP3 and might not play on old cd players

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12 powerful lectures by Rabbi Alon Anava covering the topic of inspiration and hope. Highly recommend

  1. Do you believe G-d can pull money out of thin air?
  2. Care about your world to come? (Olam Habah) if yes, listen to this class
  3. Why the journey of the soul is full of challenges
  4. When it seems like you’re about to lose control in life… – how do we cope
  5. How to rediscover your passion for Judaism
  6. The reason your prayers are not answered…
  7. On Rosh Chodesh you can Fool the Yetzer Harah
  8. Three steps to the ultimate pleasure
  9. How to rise above your nature
  10. The secret of two words that will change your life!
  11. Small acts make a BIG difference
  12. The hidden secrets of Kabbalah behind your spiritual growth

CD type: MP3


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