Special prayer for Parnasa and Zivug
On Shvii Shel Pesach (the 7th Day of Passover) we celebrate the splitting of the sea (Kriyat Yam Suf).
Our holy sages explain that this night is one of the most powerful nights to be blessed with Parnasa (Livelihood) and finding your other half (Zivug) which includes Shlom Bait (Peace in the home)
All we need to do is create a vessel that will hold this blessings, and that is done with prayers. Below you can find a detailed list of prayers we need to recite. If possible, start around 11:30pm so you can finish by 12:30am (Chatzot). If that is too hard, you can read all night or through out the entire day.
Rabbi Anava will be praying at the AriZal’s grave on the night of Shvii Shel Pesach – Click here to submit names for prayer