Tehillim Purim Katan English

Tehillim for Purim Katan

Chapter 1

1. The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners.
2. But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
3. He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.
4. Not so the wicked, but [they are] like chaff that the wind drives away.
5. Therefore, the wicked shall not stand up in judgment, nor shall the sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.

Chapter 40

1. For the conductor, of David a song.
2. I have greatly hoped for the Lord, and He extended [His ear] to me and heard my cry.
3. And He drew me up out of the roaring pit, from the thick mire, and He set my feet upon a rock, He established my steps.
4. He put a new song into my mouth, a praise to our God, so that many may see and fear, and trust in the Lord.
5. Praiseworthy is the man who made the Lord his trust, and did not turn to the haughty and those who turn to falsehood.
6. You have done great things, You, O Lord my God. Your wonders and Your thoughts are for us. There is none to equal You; were I to tell and speak, they would be too many to tell.
7. You desired neither sacrifice nor meal offering; You dug ears for me; a burnt offering or a sin offering You did not request.
8. Then I said, “Behold I have come,” with a scroll of a book written for me.
9. O God, I desired to do Your will and [to have] Your law within my innards.
10. I brought tidings of righteousness in a great assembly. Behold, I will not withhold my lips, O Lord, You know.
11. I did not conceal Your charity within my heart; I stated Your faith and Your salvation-I did not withhold Your kindness and truth-to a great assembly.
12. You, O Lord, do not withhold Your mercies from me; may Your kindness and Your truth always watch me.
13. For countless evils have encompassed me; my iniquities have overtaken me and I could not see [them because] they are more numerous than the hairs of my head, and my heart has forsaken me.
14. O Lord, be willing to save me; O Lord, hasten to my help.
15. May those who seek my soul to destroy it be shamed and embarrassed together; may those who seek to harm me retreat and be humiliated.
16. May they be bewildered afterwards because of their shame, those who say about me, “Aha! Aha!”
17. All who seek You shall exult and rejoice; those who love Your salvation shall constantly say, “May the Lord be magnified.”
18.But I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my rescuer, my God; do not delay.


Chapter 6

1. To the conductor with melodies on the sheminith, a song of David.
2. O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your anger, and do not chastise me in Your wrath.
3. Be gracious to me, O Lord, because I languish; heal me, O Lord, because my bones are frightened.
4. And my soul is very frightened, and You, O Lord, how long?
5. Return, O Lord, rescue my soul; save me for the sake of Your loving-kindness.
6. For there is no memory of You in death; in the grave, who will thank You?
7. I am weary from my sighing; every night I sully my bed; I wet my couch with my tears.
8. My eye is dimmed from anger; it has aged because of all my adversaries.
9. Turn away from me, all you workers of iniquity, for the Lord has hearkened to the voice of my weeping.
10. The Lord has hearkened to my supplication; the Lord has accepted my prayer.
11. All my enemies shall be ashamed and very frightened; they shall return and be ashamed in a moment.


Chapter 50

1. A song of Asaph; God, God the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun until its setting.
2.From Zion, the finery of beauty, God appeared.
3. Our God shall come and not be silent; fire shall devour before Him, and around Him it storms furiously.
4. He shall call to the heavens above and to the earth to avenge His people.
5. Gather to Me My devoted ones, who made a covenant with Me over a sacrifice.
6. And the heavens will tell His righteousness, for He is a God Who judges forever.
7. Hearken, My people, and I will speak, Israel, and I will admonish you; God, even your God am I.
8. I will not reprove you concerning your sacrifices, neither are your burnt offerings before Me constantly.
9. I will not take from your household a bull, from your pens any goats.
10. For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, the behemoth of the thousand mountains.
11. I know all the fowl of the mountains, and the creeping things of the field are with Me.
12. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are Mine.
13. Will I eat the flesh of bulls or do I drink the blood of he-goats?
14. Slaughter for God a confession and pay the Most High your vows.
15. And call to Me on a day of distress; I will rescue you and you will honor Me.
16. But to the wicked man God said, “For what reason do you recount My statutes, and bring up My covenant on Your mouth?
17. For you hated discipline and threw My words behind you.
18. If you saw a thief, you agreed [to be] with him, and with adulterers is your portion.
19. You let loose your mouth for evil, and you accustomed your tongue to deceit.
20. You sit and talk against your brother; you slander your mother’s son.
21. You did these and I remained silent; you thought that I would be like you. I will contend with you and set up before your eyes.
22. Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear [you] to pieces, and there will be no one to save [you].23. One who slaughters a confession sacrifice honors Me, and [I will] prepare the way; I will show him the salvation of God.”

Chapter 5

1. To the conductor, on nehiloth, a song of David.
2. Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my meditation.
3. Hearken to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for I will pray to You.
4. O Lord, in the morning You shall hearken to my voice; in the morning I shall arrange [my prayer] to You, and I shall look forward.
5. For You are not a God Who desires wickedness; evil does not abide with You.
6. Confused people shall not stand before Your eyes; You hate all workers of iniquity.
7. You destroy speakers of lies; the Lord abhors a man of blood and deceit.
8. But I, with Your great loving-kindness, shall enter Your House; I shall prostrate myself toward Your Holy Temple in the fear of You.
9. O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness; because of those who lie in wait for me, make Your way straight before me.
10. For there is no sincerity in his mouth; there is malice in their heart; their throat is an open grave; they make their tongue smooth.
11. Condemn them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them down in the multitude of their transgressions for they have rebelled against You.
12. And let all who take refuge in You rejoice; may they ever shout for joy, and You shall shelter them, and let all who love Your name exult in You.
13. For You, O Lord, shall bless the righteous; You shall encompass him with will like a shield.


Chapter 2

1. Why have nations gathered and [why do] kingdoms think vain things?
2. Kings of a land stand up, and nobles take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed?
3. “Let us break their bands and cast off their cords from us.”
4. He Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them.
5. Then He speaks to them in His wrath; and He frightens them with His sore displeasure.
6. “But I have enthroned My king on Zion, My holy mount.”
7. I will tell of the decree; The Lord said to me, “You are My son; this day have I begotten you.
8. Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession.
9. You shall break them with an iron rod; like a potter’s vessel you shall shatter them.”
10. And now, [you] kings, be wise; be admonished, [you] judges of the earth.
11. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with quaking.
12. Arm yourselves with purity lest He become angry and you perish in the way, for in a moment His wrath will be kindled; the praises of all who take refuge in Him.

Chapter 9

1. To the conductor, to brighten the youth, a song of David.
2. I will thank the Lord with all my heart; I will tell all Your wonders.
3. I will rejoice and exult with You; I will sing praises to Your most high name.
4. When my enemies draw backward, they stumble and are destroyed from before You.
5. For You have performed my judgment and my cause; You sat on the throne, O Judge of righteousness.
6. You rebuked nations, You destroyed a wicked man; You erased their name forever and ever.
7. The enemy has been destroyed; swords exist forever, and You have uprooted the cities-their remembrance is lost.
8. But the Lord shall sit forever; He has established His throne for judgment.
9. But He judges the world with righteousness, kingdoms with equity.
10. And the Lord shall be a fortress for the crushed, a fortress for times of distress.
11. And those who know Your name shall trust in You, for You have not forsaken those who seek You, O Lord.
12. Sing praises to the Lord, Who dwells in Zion; relate His deeds among the peoples.
13. For He Who avenges blood remembers them; He has not forgotten the cry of the humble.
14. Be gracious to me, O Lord, see my affliction from my enemies, You Who raise me up from the gates of death,
15. in order that I tell all Your praises; in the gates of the daughter of Zion I will rejoice in Your salvation.
16. Nations have sunk in the pit they have made; in this net that they have concealed, their foot has become trapped.
17. The Lord is known for the judgment that He performed; with the act of His hand, the wicked man stumbles. Let us meditate over this forever.
18. May the wicked return to the grave, all nations who forget God.
19 .For the needy shall not be forgotten forever, neither shall the hope of the poor be lost to eternity.
20. Arise, O Lord; let man have no power. May the nations be judged for Your anger.
21. O Lord, place mastery over them; let the nations know that they forever are mortal man.


Chapter 8

1. To the conductor, on the gittith, a song of David.
2. O Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth, for which You should bestow Your majesty upon the heavens.
3. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings You have established strength because of Your adversaries, in order to put an end to enemy and avenger.
4. When I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You have established,
5. what is man that You should remember him, and the son of man that You should be mindful of him?
6. Yet You have made him slightly less than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and majesty.
7. You give him dominion over the work of Your hands; You have placed everything beneath his feet.
8. Flocks and cattle, all of them, and also the beasts of the field;
9. the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea, he traverses the ways of the seas.
10. O Lord, our Master, how mighty is Your name in all the earth!


Chapter 6

1. To the conductor with melodies on the sheminith, a song of David.
2. O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your anger, and do not chastise me in Your wrath.
3. Be gracious to me, O Lord, because I languish; heal me, O Lord, because my bones are frightened.
4. And my soul is very frightened, and You, O Lord, how long?
5. Return, O Lord, rescue my soul; save me for the sake of Your loving-kindness.
6. For there is no memory of You in death; in the grave, who will thank You?
7. I am weary from my sighing; every night I sully my bed; I wet my couch with my tears.
8. My eye is dimmed from anger; it has aged because of all my adversaries.
9. Turn away from me, all you workers of iniquity, for the Lord has hearkened to the voice of my weeping.
10. The Lord has hearkened to my supplication; the Lord has accepted my prayer.
11. All my enemies shall be ashamed and very frightened; they shall return and be ashamed in a moment.


Chapter 50

1. A song of Asaph; God, God the Lord, spoke and called to the earth, from the rising of the sun until its setting.
2.From Zion, the finery of beauty, God appeared.
3. Our God shall come and not be silent; fire shall devour before Him, and around Him it storms furiously.
4. He shall call to the heavens above and to the earth to avenge His people.
5. Gather to Me My devoted ones, who made a covenant with Me over a sacrifice.
6. And the heavens will tell His righteousness, for He is a God Who judges forever.
7. Hearken, My people, and I will speak, Israel, and I will admonish you; God, even your God am I.
8. I will not reprove you concerning your sacrifices, neither are your burnt offerings before Me constantly.
9. I will not take from your household a bull, from your pens any goats.
10. For all the beasts of the forest are Mine, the behemoth of the thousand mountains.
11. I know all the fowl of the mountains, and the creeping things of the field are with Me.
12. If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are Mine.
13. Will I eat the flesh of bulls or do I drink the blood of he-goats?
14. Slaughter for God a confession and pay the Most High your vows.
15. And call to Me on a day of distress; I will rescue you and you will honor Me.
16. But to the wicked man God said, “For what reason do you recount My statutes, and bring up My covenant on Your mouth?
17. For you hated discipline and threw My words behind you.
18. If you saw a thief, you agreed [to be] with him, and with adulterers is your portion.
19. You let loose your mouth for evil, and you accustomed your tongue to deceit.
20. You sit and talk against your brother; you slander your mother’s son.
21. You did these and I remained silent; you thought that I would be like you. I will contend with you and set up before your eyes.
22. Understand this now, you who forget God, lest I tear [you] to pieces, and there will be no one to save [you].23. One who slaughters a confession sacrifice honors Me, and [I will] prepare the way; I will show him the salvation of God.”