Special prayer for Singles
On the 5th day of Chanuka is a powerful day for prayers for singles to find their other half. This year 2024 the 5th day falls on Sunday/Mondayy (Dec. 29/30), and the Rebbe of Slonim says it’s even more auspicious time for these prayers.
So what do you need to do?
- Read 6 chapters of Tehilim: 30, 33, 67, 19, 100, 133 – You can find the text below in Hebrew and English
- Light a candle in the merit of Rebbe Israel Friedman of Hosiatin for his Yartziet
- Give some money to charity – Click here to give charity
- Take upon yourself to say twice a day Kriat Shma, once before going to sleep and once during the day and before you recite the Shma say: ריבונו של עולם, הריני מוחל לכל מי שהכעיס והקניט אותי – “Master of the universe, I hereby forgive anyone who has angered or vexed me” and release all anger and grudge you have towards anyone
- Pray with your words and ask G-d to send you your true other half
In the mean time, Rabbi Anava will be going to Amuka (The grave of Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel) to pray for single people and you can use this form to submit names for prayers.
May Hashem hear and accept all our prayers!
Donation options for prayers
$36 – Rabbi Anava will pray on your behalf on the 5th candle of Chanuka at Amuka
$100 – Rabbi Anava will pray on your behalf at Holy Gravesites in Tzfat once a week for a month
$180 – Rabbi Anava will pray for you Once a week at a holy graves in Tzfat for three months + One (1) Bottle of Rabbi Anava’s wine form Israel!
$360 – Rabbi Anava will pray for you everyday for 40 days + Two (2) Bottle’s of Rabbi Anava’s wine form Israel!